Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti (TKKM) was established in 1994 occupying a number of sites across the city before agreement was reached between whānau and the Ministry of Education to move permanently to the current site at 378 Main South Road, Fairfield, Dunedin in 1999. The original buildings were a combination of the inherited Fairfield Town and Country Club and the classroom block from the closed school in Oturehua.
Initially the kura operated as a satellite school under the guidance and support of Te Wharekura o Arowhenua in Invercargill, until it was awarded Special Character status in 1998. As the only Te Aho Matua Kura Kaupapa in the Otago region, it has faced challenges. Even so the demand for full immersion learning has continued. TKKMoŌ is a bastion for Te Aho Matua educating and nurturing our young Māori as Māori.
Almost 30 years on TKKMoŌ is recognised as the preferred option by our whānau and many stakeholders within the community for implementing te reo Māori, tikanga and whakapapa to the tāmariki of Ōtepoti and surrounding areas. The Kura currently offers full primary (years 1-6) education provision. In 2021 the original Fairfield Town and Country Club was removed and a new kura was built in its place with; two new akomanga, a tari, wharenui, wharekai, ablution facilities and staffroom.
At the same time three Year 9 students began satellite enrolments through Te Wharekura o Arowhenua. This was part of the strategic vision to grow the kura to include programmes for students from year 9 - 13. In 2022 TKKMoŌ gained Wharekura status from the Ministry Education. The next step is to build a te ao Māori facility to accommodate the growing needs of the ākonga and kaimahi.
The kura has a current roll of 35 children (years 1-6) and 15 children (years 9 - 13), all of whom are Māori.