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(TAU 6-8)
Ko Kahukura tā tātou taiwhanga ako mō ngā tauira tau 6-8. E waru ā mātou tauira i roto i te taiwhanga ako nei i tēnei tau. Ko Matua Leo rāua ko Whaea Sacha ngā pouako. Ko Whaea Sacha te pouako i ia Mane, i ia Tūrei hoki. Ko Matua Leo te pouako mō te toenga o te wiki, arā ia Wenerei, i ia Tāite, i ia Paraire hoki.
Kahukura is our class for students who are years 6-8. We currently have 8 students. Matua Leo and Whaea Sacha are the teachers of this class. Whaea Sacha is the teacher on Mondays and Tuesdays and Matua Leo is the teacher for the remainder of the week.
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