This Uepu is responsible for but not limited to:
The marketing and image of the Kura
Up keeping promotional media such as the website, facebook etc.
Involvement and promotion at Mãori events and hui.
Exploring uniform designs for Kura – including cultural and sporting, reflecting the essence of the Kura brand
Promoting the enrolment process to ngā Kohanga Reo o Ōtepoti
Exploring engagement opportunities with other Mãori education providers in Ōtepoti, ngā Kohanga Reo, the College of Education, the University of Otago, the Otago Polytechnic, Primary and Secondary Mãori education programmes.
Strengthen tuakana relationship with Te Wharekura o Arowhenua and Te Waipounamu Kura Kaupapa.
If you are new to kura and keen to join our Uepu please contact ....